Week 01 – Intro…

Week: 01

Summary of Notes:

 📗 Introduction to subject – Evolving Web Technologies.

🎥 Advised to watch a playlist of tutorial videos on Lynda.com –

📑 Assignment 01 – Advised to look at details for Assignment 01 and the requirements on Moodle.

🎨 The important stages of this project are the research and design.

📆 The dates on all assignments on Moodle are to be updated by John.

📖 Advised to set up a blog, on Blogger or WordPress, and journal our development over the coming weeks, which will be marked in a typed up report at the end of this year.

🚫 John warned us not to delete our blog entries until the 21st September 2019 (external examiners).

✍ The target words that will be used in our assignments will be confirmed in due course.

💻 Feel free to use screen grabs.

🥈 Spoke about how to keep up with the competitors – prize for the class competitor who gets the highest ranking (SEO).

💾 Advised to use Github to save and back up our code. John emphasised about saving our code. Incase you prefer an older version of your code.

  • 25% – Tech. Requirements
  • 15% – Content
  • 60% – Documented SEO  ranking and results (Journal / Blog)
  • 5% – Bonus
🗨 Think about it from a Front End Developer Role.

🕮 Summary:
  1. Content – LOW Priority ↓
  2. Responsive & Fucntionality – HIGH Priority ↑

✍ To Do:
  1. Think up a good website idea (can use Barrington’s Bridge  WS from last semester.💡
  2. Wireframes prototypes functionality in mind.
  3. 5 – 7 pages 🗍
  4. Responsive Web Design

Continue reading “Week 01 – Intro…”

In the beginning…

🏡 Address: LIT, Moylish, Limerick

📚 Program: HDip. in Creative Multimedia in Programming
🎓Lecturer: John Jennings

     🙋 Student: Ashley Mc Inerney 
🆔 KNumber: K00243715

📙Purpose: Journal / Record